As we pray for your prayer intentions, may we respectfully suggest that you kindly consider the following:
1. Make a genuine Confession (if the Sacrament of Reconciliation is not available due to restrictions or unavailability, make a genuine confession to God directly) and receive the Most Holy COMMUNION (or spiritual communion via Live streamed Holy Mass) worthily.
2. Pray the Chaplet of the DIVINE MERCY as often as you possibly can and as you pray over each bead, "For the sake of HIS Sorrowful Passion... Have Mercy on us and on the whole World", reflect upon JESUS's suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and remain with HIM up to the moment HE offered HIS Life on the Holy CROSS for you.
3. Every time you pray, remember to offer a prayer for the souls in Purgatory (particularly for those who have no one to pray for them).
4. Pray for those dying throughout the whole World
- Those who will die over the following 24-hours
- Dying in mortal sin or
- Dying without anyone to pray for them
- Dying without the last Sacraments and very specially
- For those dying without ever having believed in JESUS or refused to believe in HIM
5. JESUS told St. Faustina, "My MERCY depends upon your being Merciful to others". On one occasion St Faustina complained to JESUS that others were simply taking her for granted". And, JESUS responded, "It does not matter what others say or do, your duty is to be merciful to everyone". Therefore, please remember to be merciful to your friend and foe alike in all you do and refrain from doing.
When GOD in HIS unfathomable MERCY, grants your prayer request, please take the time to send a testimony to Glorify GOD. We would love to hear from you."One day, I was praying my regular Chaplet of the Divine Mercy when the Lord showed me in my heart who I was to pray for. As I kept praying “For the sake of HIS Sorrowful Passion,… Have Mercy on us and on the whole World” over each bead, names of various people came into my mind like on a ticker tape. At one point the name of a friend who is a devout Catholic appeared. As I prayed for him, the word ‘Pepsodent’ popped up repeatedly..."