Tawa - Our Lady of Fatima
After 10.30am mass
Blessing of religious objects, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Veneration of image. Reconciliation available 9.45 - 10.30am
1pm Reconciliation, 2pm mass, 3pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Veneration. Afternoon tea will follow.
Island Bay - St Francis de Sales
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament, Reconciliation, praying the 3 o'clock prayer, Chaplet and prayers, Mass, blessing of personal religion objects, Blessing and Veneration of the Divine Mercy Image. Refreshments to follow.
(for photos please click here)
2.30 - 3,00pm
Adoration of Blessed Sacrament, Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Afternoon tea will follow.
Reconciliation followed by program at 2.45pm.
Jesus revealed to Saint Faustina asking that a special feast day be dedicated to the Divine Mercy. And that this feast be celebrated on the Sunday after Easter, the 2nd Sunday of Easter.
The liturgical texts of that day, concern the institution of the Sacrament of Penance, the Tribunal of the Divine Mercy, and are thus already suited to the request of Jesus.
This Feast, which had already been granted to the nation of Poland and been celebrated within Vatican City, was granted to the Universal Church by Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the canonization of Sr. Faustina on 30 April 2000.
In a decree dated 23 May 2000, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments stated that "throughout the world the Second Sunday of Easter will receive the name Divine Mercy Sunday, a perennial invitation to the Christian world to face, with confidence in divine benevolence, the difficulties and trials that mankind will experience in the years to come.".
In Wellington, New Zealand, numerous groups will be celebrating the Feast in various parishes, here are just some of those advertised. If you would like to include your parish, please let us know. Please contact us at [email protected]